•Shampoo and Set•Cut and Blow Dry •Straightening, Iron/Tongs •Perms and Curls•Relaxing and Texturizing Treatment•Root and Full Colouring•Half and Full Highlighting•Wedding Style•All type of Extensions (There are varieties of hair extensions and products available)•Cornrows •Braids and Twisting Weaves•Crushed Weave•Pick and Drop, Stocking Cup Weave•Fix Lace Wig •And a Lot More!WespecialiseinAfroandEuropeanHair careforbothmenandwomen.Wetreat everyclient’shairwiththespecialattention andcareitneeds,andwillworkwithyouto helpmaintainandensureyourhairremains healthy.
•Shampoo and Set•Cut and Blow Dry •Straightening, Iron/Tongs •Perms and Curls•Relaxing and Texturizing Treatment•Root and Full Colouring•Half and Full Highlighting•Wedding Style•All type of Extensions (There are varieties of hair extensions and products available)•Cornrows •Braids and Twisting Weaves•Crushed Weave•Pick and Drop, Stocking Cup Weave•Fix Lace Wig •And a Lot More!WespecialiseinAfroandEuropeanHaircarefor bothmenandwomen.Wetreateveryclient’shair withthespecialattentionandcareitneeds,andwill workwithyoutohelpmaintainandensureyour hair remains healthy.